Shiloh Methodist Church

Sunday School has started back! Join us Sunday mornings at 9:45.

Shiloh's Choir

Our choir is composed of about a dozen people. None of us are professionals, but we love to sing praises to God and share His good news through music — we make a “Joyful Noise!” 

Each Sunday morning, we share with a Call to Worship, a time of special music, and a “sending forth” at the end of service. The special music may be by the entire choir, or by soloists, or instrumentalists.

Thanks to the efforts of our very talented and dedicated pianist, we can present special anthems at times as well as cantatas or other worship programs at Christmas and Easter. She also amazes us with beautiful preludes each Sunday!

We are so very blessed to have a nice sound system which enables us to use accompaniment CD’s with orchestra or other background music. And, we have a talented young man to work it for us! This is always a treat.

Hymn Sing

When there is a fifth Sunday in the month, we have a hymn sing during worship hour, where the congregation chooses their favorite songs to sing. Lots of the “old-timey” hymns show up during this hour! At present, we have three different hymnals available from which to choose this music, providing quite a wide selection.